Friday, December 19, 2014

The Health Benefits Of Regular Sex

Sex is great. No one will ever deny that, and that’s a fact. It’s one of the best experiences a person can have, and it’s the crown of one’s relationship with another. It’s no wonder that the sexual urge is one of the basic needs for every human alive. However, what if I were to tell you that sex is not only pleasurable in itself, but it is extremely beneficial to the human health as well? Some people are recognizant of this fact, while many other people aren’t. And this is one of the benefits of sexual health.

We’ll start out with sex as an exercise. Laugh it up all you want, but nearly every single muscle of the body is activated during normal sexual intercourse. If you want to have fun and try some freaky positions, then you may double the force output of your muscles – it depends only on your imagination. And not only that, but your heart starts working faster most often hours before sex, because you’re expecting it and you’re exited. And heart rate usually shoots through the roof while you’re having sex. This means that it’s a great cardiovascular exercise, especially if you can keep the intercourse up for about twenty minutes. It will have the effect of a thorough, full-body exercise. And this consequently means that you’ll stand to gain all the benefits of regular exercise, if you just have regular sex. Your health will improve dramatically as a result and treat erectile dysfunction.

Next in line are the benefits for the mind. We’ve touched on the subject that sex is one of the primal urges of the human body. And what happens when you satisfy a primal urge? Think of eating when you’re hungry, or drinking when you’re thirsty. The answer is – happiness. And this triples when you’re having sex. Just think of the tremendous levels of pleasure you’re experiencing in the act and it will all become clear. It’s healthy for the body, and it’s healthy for the mind. After the sexual intercourse you become profoundly calm and clear happiness breezes through your mind. What’s more, the hormonal profile changes for the better, making the whole picture complete.

Next is the potential benefit to spiritual health. What this means is that when you have sexual intercourse, if it isn’t with a prostitute, then you’re experiencing the bonding of two creatures into one. There’s a huge spiritual potential of this element, but many people neglect it and consider sex something trivial that you can and should do with anyone. While this may be the case for some people, others believe that it’s the result of a much more complicated relationship between two people. And this will help you improve your spiritual health as well.

This sums up this short list of benefits of regular sexual encounters. We’ve covered the health benefits for the body, the benefits for the mind, and the benefits to the soul. There a lot more other benefits as well, but they surpass the scope of this short article. So try to have sex regularly, it pays off!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Protection Against Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Have you ever heard the term, to-die-for body? Do not take it literally. You do not want to meet an untimely death for no-one’s sake. You do not want to find the symptoms of STD on yourself or your partner.

There are many ways to stay out of harm’s way. Ask your sex partners to get tested. Get checked yourself. If you have any suspicion that you are infected, or you notice any change in your body, any possible symptoms of STD, do not hesitate. Go to see your doctor, the sooner the better.

Always use protection so that to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Your sex partner has to understand that you value your health and safety. Insist on using a condom, which is still the best way to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Of course, you have to keep in mind that condom is not the best alternative when it comes to birth control. There are much safer, better, more effective ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Condom prevents your partner’s semen, vaginal fluids, or blood from getting into your body and blood stream and infecting you with a disease.

There are alternatives to condoms: latex surgical gloves or plastic wraps. Condom is your safest choice. You have to make sure that you use the right condom the right way.

Lubricated latex condoms are safe. Avoid condoms made of lambskin! They do not prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases – so they are useless, since we know that condoms are not the most effective way to prevent pregnancy.

If you use lubrication, use water-based lubes. Aqua Lube, Foreplay, KY Jelly are good examples. Oil based lubricants may damage condoms, and you do not want an ugly surprise. Shun vaseline, creams, and lotions.

You have to use condom for vaginal and anal sex, this goes without saying. You also must use condoms when you have oral sex with your partner. Yes, a diseased partner can infect you with HIV and other diseases through your mouth. You may have tiny wounds on the mucus membrane lining of your mouth (coming from brushing your teeth or biting your tongue), so, without protection, you are not safe at all.

Always check out the expiration date on the packaging of the condom. Put it on an erected penis, pull the foreskin back, and make sure that you are using the condom on the right side.

Once the sexual intercourse is over, the man should withdraw until his penis is still hard. When pulling his penis out, he should hold the condom with a hand, making sure it will not slip off.

When you give oral sex to a woman, use plastic wrap. Place it over her vagina. Like a condom, it can protect you from sexually transmitted diseases.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment with Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy or counselling has shown tremendous result in the improvement of problem of erectile dysfunction of psychogenic origin. On the contrary, several studies show that the classical forms of psychotherapy do not have good results in the treatment of psychogenic erectile dysfunction. Such results may be due to the fact that, usually, these techniques require a relatively long time to produce their effects. Patients, who suffer from sexual dysfunction, although in many cases, present the long-standing problem, to resort to professional, want a quick relief to your problem. Often when they fail to see quick result, they get frustrated and abandon the treatment.

Faster treatment techniques, called generically brief psychotherapy have shown better results. The combination of psychotherapy and medication that helps promote erection has been shown to be beneficial to the results. This procedure has shown lower rates of noncompliance than isolated psychotherapy. As the patient feel more secure and start to realize the benefits of therapy, the medication may be withdrawn without any problems.

As already mentioned, several times, erectile dysfunction should be considered as a problem of the couple. The joint processing of partners offers a faster result, better and more lasting. After all, the goal of therapy is not only to solve the problem of hard erection. It is also desired, a general improvement in the affective relationship of the couple, often compromised by disorders caused by erectile dysfunction. Increased communications between partners, promoted by therapy, have very beneficial effects on the relationship.

The psychotherapeutic treatment will allow the man to reduce their anxiety about sexual performance, promote the spread of their confidence and self-esteem. Psychotherapeutic sessions also end up serving a second and crucial role. During therapy, the patient may express their doubts, prejudices and taboos regarding sexual activity. These issues need to be corrected by an educational activity. In this regard, it is noteworthy that despite all the progress made by our company in the sphere of sexuality, it is essential to address remaining questions. Distorted concepts can be found in all socioeconomic and cultural segments.

The psychotherapeutic treatment lasts an average of four to six months, at intervals of one session per week. The positive results, based on the improvement of erections were observed in 75% of patients, with in a period of six months.

The failure percentage is due to the abandonment of treatment or those cases with a deeper commitment in relation to their emotional development. Such cases, because of their complexity, require a much more lengthy treatment.

Group psychotherapy is being used for the treatment of psychogenic ED. This approach proved to be very effective. When interacting with other individuals with the same type of difficulty, the man finds in practice that he is not alone and helpless against the problem. The link established with the group strengthens the desire for healing and decreases the therapy dropout rates.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

How to Have Good Sex without Penetration?

Many people are unaware of the fact that good sex without penetration is possible. The culmination of a heterosexual intercourse that leads to an orgasm is the penetration of the penis into the vagina. However, sex of this kind can sometimes bring many dangers because the absence of appropriate protection can result in various sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy too. All these risks can be avoided by practicing sex without penetration, which is a very effective and pleasant alternative. This type of sex is preferred especially in situations where one of the partners or both of them want to protect their virginity or to live with sexual abstinence and also when sex that includes penetration is impossible for one or few reasons – certain damages to the sexual health of one of the partners, painful penetration etc. There are few ways in which people can have sex without penetration and what they all have in common is that they can be really exciting.

A very common way of having sex without penetration, which was practiced even among people living in ancient times, is by rubbing the penis between the thighs of the partner. This is a really easy method and anyone can perform it. You and your partner should first find a comfortable position and your partner should simply squeeze her thighs together in a way that will provide a pleasant feeling for your penis once you start to penetrate between them. In addition, you can always use certain amount of lubricant on your penis and the thighs in order to avoid the unpleasant feeling of rubbing and pain. Sex of this kind can be pleasant for both partners because you can stimulate the clitoris of your partner if you place the penis close to the vaginal opening. It is highly recommended to use a condom especially if this type of sex will be used only as foreplay.

Rubbing the penis between the partner’s breasts is another foreplay technique and a type of sex without penetration that is very popular. In many cases this technique ends in orgasm for at least one of the partners. The most appropriate position for sex of this type is when the woman rests on her back and the man sits down on her upper body so he could penetrate between her breasts. Just like in the case of thighs technique you should use lubricant which will allow comfortable rubbing and you can squeeze the breasts together or ask your partner to do that. In order to provide mutual pleasure you can use your fingers to stimulate the nipples on the breasts or the clitoris. Your partner can stimulate your penis with her lips if she puts a pillow under her head.

Sex without penetration can be an interesting and good foreplay or enrichment of the sexual relationship and it can easily replace sex with penetration if it is needed. The examples we have mentioned in this article are not the only examples of sex without penetration so feel free to use your imagination and explore your abilities.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Best Birth Control Methods: Birth Control Arm Implant

Birth control arm implant, also known as Nexplanon or Implanon, is amongst the best birth control methods. It is a small, thin, flexible plastic rod shaped contraceptive implant. A doctor can easily insert a birth control arm implant beneath the skin of a woman’s upper arm, it does not require a surgery, only local numbing with a painkiller. It takes a couple of minutes. A birth control arm implant is no larger than a matchstick. It contains etonogestrel, a steroidal progestin that can prevent pregnancy. The birth control arm implant releases progestin, a hormone, into a woman’s system. The progestin prevents the woman’s eggs from leaving the ovaries. It also thickens the cervical mucus of the woman, keeping sperm away from the egg. A birth control arm implant is available in more than sixty countries all over the world. In the United States, it has been approved in 2006.

How to Get a Birth Control Arm Implant

You are supposed to find a doctor who has completed a special training in inserting and removing a birth control arm implant. You can find such doctors at a Planned Parenthood health center close to your town. You can also visit the website of Implanon where you can find such health care providers.

How Effective Is a Birth Control Arm Implant

A birth control arm implant is effective for three years.
When you decide what kind of contraception options you want to use, you want the best birth control method. Hysterectomy is the best birth control method. When a woman has no womb anymore (and probably no ovaries, like radical hysterectomy), she cannot conceive a child. We can say its failure rate is 0%. After hysterectomy, the birth control arm implant is the best birth control method, its failure rate is extremely low. When perfectly used, its failure rate is only 0.05%, which means that out of 2000 women, only one gets pregnant. The average user has exactly the same result, 0, 05%. You cannot do anything wrong with a birth control arm implant, since it is the gynecologist’s task to insert the device under your skin. Unlike hysterectomy, it is one of the reversible contraception options.

Whenever you need new medications – from flu to cardiovascular issues –, you should inform your doctor that you have a birth control arm implant. Some medicines make your birth control arm implant less effective. If you take TB medicines, oral medicines against yeast, HIV medicines, anti-seizure medicines, medicines of mental disorders, ask your gynecologist about other contraception options. Even some natural remedies like St. John’s wort can interfere with the effectiveness of the birth control arm implant.

Side-Effects of a Birth Control Arm Implant

Every medicine has side-effects, too. Do not use a birth control arm implant if you are expecting a child or if you have breast cancer. Go for other contraception options.
It may happen – in rare cases – that you experience heavier bleeding than before, and your period may take a longer while. You may bleed between two periods. Your sex drive may ebb. You may experience headache, dizziness, sensitive or aching breasts. Serious side-effects may include lumps in your breasts, yellowing of your skin, heavy bleeding. The birth control arm implant may change its location beneath your skin. If it gets too deep in your flesh, it has to be surgically removed.

Benefits of a Birth Control Implant

It is very effective. It is amongst the best birth control methods. It is reversible: once you stop using it, you can get pregnant in a short while. You can use a birth control arm implant even if you cannot take estrogen. A birth control arm implant is very convenient: you do not have to take pills every day, there is no fuss. Once your doctor has inserted it beneath your skin, you do not have to bother with it anymore for three years. It is safe to use, even if you breastfeed a small child. During your period, you will bleed less, and periods will be scarce because of the hormones released in your body. After a year of using the birth control arm implant, you may stop menstruating. Since menstruation is unpleasant for women, most of them are glad to get rid of it.

What If You Want to Remove Birth Control Arm Implant

A doctor can remove a birth control arm implant within a few minutes, it takes just one cut. However, the process is a bit slower than inserting it.

Costs of a Birth Control Arm Implant

A birth control arm implant may come for free. In other cases, it can be worth USD 800. Removal costs are also free under certain circumstances. In other cases, it may cost USD 300.

Planned Parenthood wants to make the birth control arm implant available and affordable for anyone who wants to choose the best birth control methods.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Is Erectile Dysfunction Really Treatable?

Erectile dysfunction is a highly treatable condition today due to the progress made ​​in recent years by the pharmaceutical industry. The treatment of erectile dysfunction presents essentially pharmaceutical solutions highly appreciated by the men who suffer from this problem since they are very efficient and allow return to a full sexual life. Among the solutions for erectile dysfunction include medications orally administered tablet that facilitate adherence to therapy and the treatment of this condition.

The currently available drugs are part of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors and are known by the trade names: Viagra sildenafil, Cialis tadalafil and Levitra vardenafil. In recent years, a medicine for erectile dysfunction daily intake, was introduced as Cialis Daily that helps men have erections spontaneously when a man is sexually stimulated, as it would naturally take despite continued and as Levitra orodispersible , with equivalent effects to the regular version, but soluble in the mouth without water.

Other treatments
Although treatments for oral administration are most often recommended for erectile dysfunction due to its ease of administration and their reduced risk for side effects most men, there are other options that may be considered by your doctor to be more appropriate for the treatment of your condition.

Injections: Before drugs are available for oral administration for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, the most common treatment consists of injecting a medicament in the base of the penis, allowing increased blood flow. The erection develops in about 15 minutes, regardless of sexual stimulation.

Urethral drugs: Generally with the same substance as injections (Alprostadil), a small suppositories introduced directly into the urethra which allow for the rapid absorption and the penis erection in 10 to 15 minutes.

Vacuum devices: Treatment with vacuum devices is usually recommended for people who are not subjected to treatment with medications due to potential side effects. These devices consist of a cylinder where the penis must be inserted and which is removed from the air, creating a vacuum, allowing an erection to be achieved.

Penile Prostheses: The latest penile prosthesis must be inserted by surgical means and consists of two inflatable cylinders inserted into the corpora cavernosa of the penis, which allow men to achieve an rock hard erection by pressure in a pump placed in the scrotum.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Therapy is often the first treatment option for men with erectile dysfunction psychological causes. Although it can be combined with oral treatments to facilitate erection, a hypothesis can be a prolonged treatment and with varying results.

Natural Products: The Asian ginseng and tongkat ali or pasak bumi Eurycoma longifolia may help treat erectile dysfunction in some men; it's a very powerful product that is famous in Asia, it is advisable to consult with a physician before taking these or any other supplements to assess its safety.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

7 Medical Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction That can Improve Your Sex Life

Little is said about erectile dysfunction, but recently it has gained high prominence. The main cause of impotence is usually anxiety; chronic diseases such as diabetes, uncontrolled cholesterol, hypertension, obesity, and smoking are related to episodes of impotence in men over age. Erectile dysfunction affects nearly 50% of people aged 40 to 80 years.

Given the high incidence of the problem; however, seeking medical help is still quite shy. Embarrassed by the situation, men wait three to five years to schedule an appointment with a specialist. Medicine has advanced greatly in the area of erectile dysfunction. It is now possible to cure it permanently with the help of right medication and treatment. Following are seven way to treat impotent.

1. Oral medications
Oral medications are always the first choice of treatment of erectile dysfunction, provided that the patient does not show lesions in the arteries of the penis or some contraindication for substances in the formulas. Oral medicines improve blood flow to the penis, which favours the erection. They should be taken around one to two hours before sexual intercourse and vary in time of action and maximum power. Long-acting medications, for example, can act for up to 36 hours. This does not mean that men have an erection for 36 hours, but during that time he will be able to get an erection if you are sexually stimulated. The obligation to take the medicine before having a relationship, however, bothers some men for disturbing the spontaneity of the moment. In these cases, the professional may prescribe a daily dose of medicine, like a continuous treatment. The main side effects are headache, flushing, stuffy nose and tachycardia. If you notice any other symptoms, the doctor should be informed. Activ Homme, Libidus, Maxidus, Maxi2 can treat erectile dysfunction without side effect.

2. Intra-cavernous injection
If oral medications are not effective or are contraindicated, the specialist will move to the second treatment option: intra-cavernous injection. The advantage of this method is that the drug acting about 15 minutes after application. Moreover, in this case any incentive for the man to have an erection is not necessary. The injected substance stimulates circulation and promotes the dilation of the arteries at the site, which increases blood flow to the penis leading to an erection. The duration of erection varies according to the dose injected, which is established in consultation with the physician. Although effective, the treatment is not always well accepted by the patients. Some people are terrified of the needle. Imagine, then, if it needs to be inserted into the penis. The expert also emphasized that individuals with difficulty viewing the penis or diseases that generate hand tremors should request assistance from the partner to the application. Side effects of intra-cavernous injection restricted to allergies to any of the substances in medicine.

3. Malleable penile prosthesis
Penile prostheses and surgical intervention are more complex treatment than intake of medicines or injections. Thus, they occupy the third place in the scale of options for the patient with erectile dysfunction. The soft type is the simplest and more affordable. The doctor inserts a metal rod wrapped in silicone into the penis of the patient, which causes it to be stiff enough for penetration 100% of the time. At the time of the sexual intimacy, simply raise the penis. The malleable penile prosthesis surgery lasts about an hour and he can leave the hospital with in 24 hours of the surgery with a compressor bandage to prevent bruising and to keep down the penis, facilitating trip to the bathroom. In the days that follow, there is a natural discomfort of surgery, but no sharp pain. The sexual life, in turn, can be resumed 30 days after discharge. Worth reinforcing that this is a completely artificial erection. But according to the urologist, usually provide greater patient satisfaction than drugs or injection. The only caution is the man when it comes to "accommodate" his penis. Since he is upright the whole time, it may need special underwear to disguise the volume.

4. Inflatable penile prosthesis
Unlike the malleable penile prosthesis, inflatable prosthesis allows the penis returns to the flaccid state after sex. The method includes the introduction of inflatable penile cylinders connected to a breast pump with liquid, which simulate blood, implanted in the scrotum, like a third testicle. To promote erection, simply press the inhaler that drains this fluid into the cylinder. After intercourse, the penis should be lightly pressed down so that the liquid go back to the puffer and he becomes flaccid again. The surgery lasts about two hours and the patient needs to be hospitalized for a day or so. As in malleable prosthesis, sexual activity can be resumed about 30 days after the procedure, and no activity of daily life is impaired. Of the two types, this is what can make the most erect penis.

5. Therapy
In many cases, erectile dysfunction has its origin to psychological factors. It is best to consult a therapist with training in sexology that will help end this lockout. The problem can start on any day in which, because of the anxiety, the man could have no erection. If you do not control the fear of suffering impotence in the coming opportunities, it further hinders your performance. According to Urologists, it is common for men with erectile dysfunction to request appointment of a drug to a colleague instead consult a specialist. This cannot only mask the problem, but also cause serious health problems, if it does not have the proper medication for that profile.

6. Revascularization
Revascularization is a recommended procedure for an audience with very restricted erectile dysfunction. It is done when the patient has problems in the arteries that supply blood to the penis. However, the case should be thoroughly evaluated. Making a bypass in heart, for example, is crucial since the body works 24 hours per day. The penis, in turn, spends most of his downtime. Improve vascularization; therefore, may lead to clogged veins, as blood flow decreases when it is too soft.

7. Vacuum Pump
The vacuum pumps has been forgotten as part of the arsenal of treatments for erectile dysfunction, but it is again gaining strength among patients operated on for prostate cancer, acting as assistants in penile rehabilitation. Today, they are sold only in shops, since they increase the volume of the penis. It consists of a cylinder into which the penis is inserted. By means of a suction system, the air is removed from the cylinder, reducing the internal pressure. This negative pressure promotes the flow of blood into the penis, which helps erection. A vacuum pump is used in the medical field only in patients who needed removing penile prosthesis infection or rejection. During the period that they have to wait to do another intervention, the pump can be helpful preventing scars that deform the organ.

Friday, October 24, 2014

How can Masturbation help you Achieve Ultimate Sexual Pleasure?

Masturbation helps you explore your body and figure out what excites you the most. Not very long time ago masturbation was considered as some wrong, dangerous and morally unacceptable. This practice was associated with perverts and freaks and those who are not capable to have regular sexual intercourse. Even the religious institutions were strongly against this activity. Luckily, today we are fully aware that none of these things are true and that masturbation is actually something completely normal, natural and acceptable sexual behavior and practicing masturbation is not something wrong. 

In fact, masturbation is recommend in some cases, because this is the best way to get to know our body, pleasures, feeling while developing love for ourselves and our bodies. Women that masturbate regularly usually achieve orgasm very easy when they have sex with their partner. They know exactly what leads them to orgasm and they know how to tell their partners what they need. It is a stereotype to think that only men are masturbating and this belief belongs to the past. According to many studies only 15% of women have never masturbated in their life while nearly 30% of women masturbate more than once a week. 10% of women have practiced masturbation more than once in a day. This last number seems like too much masturbation. But when can we say that someone is practicing masturbation too much?

In order to answer this question we need to ask ourselves whether we can speak about too much sex, too many orgasms and too much pleasure. If you are burdened with the fact that you have very high sex drive and that you are thinking about masturbation very frequently, this pressure that you put on yourself can be more harmful than the act of masturbation or sex. Probably the best way to determine whether you are having too much sex or masturbation is to check whether you are capable to function normally. Sexologists are aware of cases when men and women that use masturbation as a method to relieve themselves from stress practiced this behavior for more than 5 times a day. If you start feeling that you need to go out of your office in a middle of a really important business meeting just to masturbate it is definitely a good idea to seek some help.

As you probably know there are many ways to masturbate. Different people have different sexual desires. For example, you can use sex toys or do this activity without them. It is good to know that the number of sex toys that are available today is huge so you might have a problem to choose a proper one. A good advice is to avoid sex toys that don’t attract you with their appearance. It is good to find a toy that provides several types of stimulation. Women can experiment and create their own sex toys at home. Finally, don’t forget your fingers. Fingers can help both men and women achieve intense orgasm

Monday, October 20, 2014

Maintaining Hard Erection

If you suffer from soft erections or experience weak erections it is definite that you are always looking for ways to maintain hard erections. The reason why your penis goes soft is because you suffer from ED as it is one of the most popular sexual problem suffered by many men.

Millions upon millions suffer from ED all over the world. In the United States alone, the figures of men suffering from ED is staggering. Estimates suggest that well over 25+ million men that are aged 20 and above suffer from some sort of erectile dysfunction.

Hence the reason why anti-impotence drugs are some of the highest sort after medically approved drugs. That said however, such prescription medication including the generic meds carry a lot of side effects.

Hence the reason why many men are in search of safer and better options so that they can experience erections that are rock solid without having to concern themselves about suffering through any nasty side effects.

Achieving and Maintaining Hard Erection Naturally

There are a number of herbs that have been used all through centuries for the enhancement of sexual desires in men as well as rectifying ED. These are natural products that work on the blood flow increment and the production of testosterone.

Increment in the flow of blood and produce testosterone are critical factors that affect the sexual health of all men. Nitric oxide production in the body plays a critical role. As much as many men are not aware of the role this element plays.

Nitric oxide is secreted naturally in the body on the blood vessels walls which provide blood to the penis when you become aroused. It helps in the smoothening of your muscles of your penis making them relax allowing blood vessels expand so that more blood is able to flow in the erectile tissue.

Soft Erection treatment

Certain herbs such as Horny Goat and Ginkgo Biloba are recognized for their ability of increasing nitric oxide production in the body. An amino acid known as L-arginine is also loved for its ability of increasing secretion and plays a critical role as an ingredient in a majority of enhancement pills.

More herbs including; Tribulus Terrestris and Eurycoma Longifolia and many more are quite effective in the increment of testosterone production in the body. Since testosterone is a hormone that controls and governs both erectile and sexual functionality in men, its increase in production allows men to fight off ED.

Tribulus Terrestris as a herb is excellent in curing ED and also helps in the control of ejaculation allowing men to last longer as they make love.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

How to Get Harder Erection Naturally and Safely - 9 Essential Tips

There are many elements that influence a sexual encounter that will translate into good sex; one of them is undoubtedly a stronger erection. But, contrary to what many men believe, it could not only depend on the level of excitement, other favors also argue in favor or against to have a good erection. It explain to you what are figuring out how to enhance and maintain your erection for longer.

1. When it comes to sex, habits tend to be reflected in the way we react and even the satisfaction we get from each encounter. So to have a good erection should review some aspects that may be harming a good answer.

2. If you want a night of passion and pleasure, then the best for a good erection is avoiding excess alcohol. One or two cups can relax it, put it cheerful and light your sexual desire, but a whole bottle will let it idle, making it quite difficult to get a strong erection.

3. Stress has become the misery of the modern world, and beyond affect health significantly, stress impairs erections.
Be the problems at work, relationship problems or because you feel concerned for your reply in a sexual encounter, this factor can make getting a good erection becomes difficult. The advice is to leave aside the problems, do not focus so much on having a perfect sexual performance and enjoy the stimuli to achieve a good erection.

4. If you want to improve your erections set aside a sedentary lifestyle. The physical activity benefits the sex because it improves blood circulation, causing the heart to pump more blood to all organs, including the penis, which results in stronger and lasting erections. Moreover, they are a perfect alternative to relax and reduce stress. Incorporate cardiovascular exercises into your routine and you will notice the difference.

5. We know that sex is something that brings us much pleasure, but to get a good erection and satisfy your partner is important to reduce levels of anxiety, such as stress, nervousness can cause an erection is not exactly the best. Enjoy the sexual experience little by little, without despair or pressure of any kind, therefore the time of penetration can both enjoy it much better.

6. Following a healthy diet is vital to having good erections. The plastic food, fried or excess sweets, high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides produced by a high fat diet directly affect sexual performance, similarly affecting cardiovascular health.

7. Do not feel confident in the sexual aspect? Their confidence in bed is not the best? Many men have erection problems when in a period of uncertainty and depression. Be confident and with a good attitude, open to enjoy, explore and pass it well, it is important to have a good erection and enhance sexual performance.

8. If suddenly had a change in their erections for no apparent reason, it is important to check that it is not a side effect of some medication. Many drugs may interfere with the quality of erections, so does the intake of some drugs often results in the decrease of erections considerably.

9. Achieving a harder erection is a combination between a stimulus of pleasure and a healthy lifestyle. However, many men have problems in this aspect despite having good habits, if this is the case; the most convenient is to visit your doctor to find a specific solution for your particular condition.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

How to Avoid Being Impotent

Being declared as being impotent is one thing you cannot dare think of as a man. It literally means being unable to fulfill your sexual obligation toward your sexual partner. Although impotence is an erectile dysfunction (ED) that mostly affects aging men, you do not need to develop the problem even as you age. It is however important to note that your present lifestyle determines whether or not you will develop the condition during old age. Below are just some of the ways through which you can protect yourself from being declared impotent.

Regular Diet
There is a common saying that what is good for your heart is good for your sexual health. That is a powerful saying with beneficial meaning. Food stuffs that restrict smooth flow of blood through your heart also do the same in your sexual organ. Note that your penis needs to receive sufficient amount of blood for erection and you need to avoid any food stuff that narrows your blood vessels. Not only will your heart benefit; you will also be running away from being declared impotent.

Body Weight
Excess body weight or obesity is known to be a foundation of many health problems including development of type-2 diabetes, bone problems and erectile dysfunction in form of impotence. You can do your body great good by maintain healthy body weight now in order to avoid being declared impotent in the future.

This is one thing you seriously need to watch out for if you need to avoid being declared as an impotent man in the near future. High cholesterol level in your body system coupled with high blood pressure damage your blood vessels, including blood vessels that supply your penis with blood. Damage to these vessels over time no doubt leads to ED.

Excess drinking of alcohol causes damage to your liver in addition to damaging your nerves. Excess alcohol in your body system also causes hormonal imbalance, putting you at great risk of developing ED and in particular impotence.

There is no doubt that we all live a fast lifestyle that otherwise exposes us to stressful situations and environments. It is only appropriate that you identify suitable ways of dealing with stress. This is because high stress level increases level of adrenaline hormone within your body. Any increase in the level of adrenaline causes your blood vessels to shrink, which in effect interferes with smooth flow of blood in your body. This increases the risk of developing ED.

There are no two ways about it. You always need to engage in safe sex in order to avoid being declared as impotent in the future. Indeed, majority of young men diagnosed as being impotent are those who engage in risky sex for which they contract STDs and physical injuries to their penis. Both physical injury to your penis and sexually transmitted diseases put you at great risk of developing ED.

These are just a few things that you must avoid if you intend to have a healthy sex life now and in the future when old age sets in. They are also the same things you need to watch out for in order to prevent impotence.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Suffering from erectile dysfunction? Visit a doctor today

Erectile dysfunction is a common problem in men, but not all men talk about it. This is one problem that pressurise men. Initially men think that this problem is normal and would get better with time, but it is not always so. If this initial signs of erectile dysfunction are ignored the problem can aggravate making it even worse.

Marriage is delicate and sex is fuel that keeps the marriage going. Erectile dysfunction can cause loss in interest at sex and this would cause cracks in the marriage. A man who is facing erectile dysfunction must understand the condition himself and seek the help of a medical practitioner to get himself treated.

Erectile Dysfunction:
Erectile dysfunction is a condition where men cannot sustain their hard erection nor do not experience and erection at all. This condition has been there for ages, but the problem has become very common in today’s times. According to a recent survey one in two men experience erectile dysfunction at some point in life.

There are many causes that experts connect with erectile dysfunction. It is widely believed that stress is a major culprit that weakens the nerves carrying blood supply to the organ, thus restricting a strong erection. Unhealthy lifestyle habits like smoking and drinking are also blamed for erectile dysfunction.

Science has now found medicine for almost every health condition and erectile dysfunction is no different. Changing your lifestyle would be a major remedy to keep erectile dysfunction at bay. You should work in a healthier environment which would reduce your stress levels. You can also include healthy diet plan that would make your body strong and maintain the blood flow. Experts suggest that you go on a stress busting holidays with your spouse or partner to rekindle the relationship. If you have tried all these and are still not seeing any good in the erections then a medical practitioner can prescribe your Viagra pills or herbal sexual enhancer depending on the complexity of your condition. It is very important that you take the help of a medical practitioner, because over the counter drugs can deteriorate the condition beyond repair.

How to deal with it:
Men should understand that you are not the only man on earth to have this condition. There is solution to every problem and this also has. You just have to be positive and deal with the bad phase of life. You must also understand that your spouse or partner is experiencing the same turmoil that you are facing. You can always satisfy her with oral sex or any other form of sex. Give her support and ask her for the same. This problem is not a permanent one if medication is followed regularly.

Couples are advised to face this problem with positive approach and the healing would be faster. Erectile dysfunction is normal, but cannot be ignored. You must visit the doctor when you see the early signs like delayed erection or short lived erections. Visit your doctor now and seek help to heal faster. 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Common sexual issues a teenage girl faces

Teenage days look good, but come with its set of problems. Teenagers have to deal with the hormonal imbalances in their body which forces them to look good to the opposite sex and some other sexual problems. Teenaged girls have to deal with their sexual problems, but their mum can help them in dealing with it. Not all moms are free to talk to their daughters about sex and sexual issues.

Psychologists, time and again suggest that talking about sex and sexual habits to their teenage son and daughter would only do well than bad. Parents must understand that you are their first teacher and if you fail to educate them, they may end up screwing their lives or resort to internet to get their dose of information. Internet is a wide world in itself, so teenagers start finding something there and end with totally different page. Below are the few sexual problems and issues which teenaged girls usually face:

First time sex:
According to a survey, young girls have their first time when they are in their early teens. The results of this survey must have disappointing for many parents, but that’s not a big deal. World has become more modern and people are open about sex. Premature ejaculation is a common problem for teenagers as well. The thing that parents must be concerned is to educate their young ones with the pros and cons of better sex life and the need to use protection.

If you are unlucky and not educated in sex then you end up having an unwanted pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy can be devastating. This is one major problem which gets sticky to deal with. Abortion is the only option left if you are very young, but it would have a bad impact on your body in the longer run. Parents must educate their kids with safe sex advices and young girls should insist on condoms if they are having sex.

Sexually transmitted diseases:
When the hormones are at their highest peak, it becomes really difficult to control those desires to have sex. Some young girls end up having sex with infected strangers unknowing the consequences. Every young girl must know what sexually transmitted diseases are and how painful they are. Some sexually transmitted diseases are incurable and some are life threatening as well. Teenagers can refer to the internet to know some of the worst STD’s and also precautions that they must ensure while having sex.

Teenagers must be educated on different precaution methods so that they keep themselves safe from unwanted STD’s and pregnancies. It is important that the parents talk to their little ones on their own or seek the help of an experienced, qualified psychologist.

Teenage is a crucial age in life where the hormones control their lives. You cannot stop or control your young ones at this stage. They become rebellious and that could worsen the condition and also break the bond that you share with them. It is important to educate them so that they care of themselves. Teach them the right ways to keep them safe. 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Few things women can do to secure their fertility

Unfortunately the number of women who cannot get pregnant is rising in the last few decades. Experts have determined few things that every woman should do in order to maintain her fertility.

But when can we talk about infertility? Infertility is a term used for women that are under the age of 35 and cannot get pregnant after one year of regular unprotected sexual intercourses. In cases when the woman is older than 35 years, we can talk about infertility if the woman doesn’t get pregnant after six months. Many factors affect fertility/infertility. The truth is that we can’t affect all the factors but there are a huge number of them that we can control.

Women need to understand that going to a gynecologist and having regular examinations is a must, because a gynecologist cannot predict your fertility for the next decade but he certainly can tell you about your current state of fertility. Woman should talk about their overall health with the gynecologist so he can advise them what to do in order to preserve their fertility. There are certain diseases related to the reproductive system that can affect fertility and women should be prepared for that. Better sexual enhancement.

Having weight that is close to the normal is important for woman’s health in general as it is for the health of the reproductive system including proper menstrual cycle. If you are overweight, you probably have higher levels of estrogen in your body due to increased reserves of fat in your body. Too much estrogen in your body means that your body acts in the same way when you are using contraceptive pills. On top of that, being overweight means that you have increased levels of insulin that can lead to problems in the ovaries (ovaries stop releasing eggs). Very low weight can cause problems too because it can lead to lack of estrogen which can slow down the reproductive cycle.

Physical activity is good for the body but excessive physical activity can cause rapid decrease of fat cells (used for production of estrogen) which is important for regular menstrual cycle. Excessive physical activity can lead to irregular periods and amenorrhea, which definitely affects the possibility to conceive.

Smoking is a really bad habit. It can lead to numerous diseases and it affects our everyday activities. But yet many women still don’t want to give up smoking. Maybe if they see how bad smoking is when we talk about fertility they will change their minds. Smoking is dangerous for both ovaries and uterus. It disrupts the production of estrogen (it can decrease the production of this important female hormone) and it can damages the eggs (making them nonfunctional). Besides that eggs can become more prone to genetic anomalies.

Finally, some sexually transmitted diseases don’t have visible symptoms but they can surely have a negative impact on fertility. They can lead to many infections. This is why you need to practice safe sex and have regular medical examinations.  

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sexual Health Concerns that you need to taken into account

The crazy, obsessive thing called sex
The sexual act in itself is a matter of perception. For some, it is a means to channelize and purge the excessive energy that is generated within the body. For the creative and poetic mind, it is metaphorically a work of art. For the sentimentalists, it is a means to express love. Amidst all this, what we often tend to forget is the need to retain overall sexual health for its sustenance. Overlooking trivial symptoms becomes a matter of habit and we end up with more complications that we can handle. This is where the need for thorough sex education arises.

Sexually transmitted infection: an obstacle to normal living
What happens when two individuals come together to quench their sexual desire? A temporary feeling of satisfaction makes its mark upon the lovers. If we were to rephrase the question in any other way: what happens when two individuals, of which one of them is a carrier of a dormant STD, come together?
The disease gets another host to cling on to and prosper. Most STDs spread via sexual contact but the cause is always a bacteria or a virus. The carrier may be predominantly male or female, depending upon the disease and the symptoms may be present or absent at the time of transmission. There are, however, common symptoms that indicate an outbreak of the infection.

These include painful discharge through the rectum, heavy vaginal discharge, swollen glands in the genitalia, warts or rashes between the thighs, fever, headache and pelvic pain not related to the menstrual cycle to name a few.

Common sexually transmitted diseases to look out for
Chlamydia is a bacterial infection, more commonly inflicted upon females than males. The second-most common disease is Gonorrhea, which more often than not, leads to fertility complications. Genital warts are a primary symptom for those infected with the Human Papillomavirus, an infection invariably linked with cervical cancer according to research.

Nothing can kill human bodies with the intensity of HIV; the consequent AIDS virus is slow poison to the anatomy that breaks down little by little to its last breath. Genital Herpes is hard to diagnose while it is dormant within a body. The host may be having it for months without being aware of it, till the warts begin to show. The worst part about being inflicted with this virus is that it clings on to your dear life forever!

STD treatment: looking for a cure
Driven by shame and embarrassment, most STD victims look up the internet to seek self medication. This is the most impractical approach one could ever opt for. For one, you may get the necessary information that you are looking for, but the treatment bit should be left to the experts. Bacterial infections can be cured with regular medication but viruses are there to haunt you for life, therefore impossible to get rid of. Patients with their respective partners must undergo tests to medically confirm their diagnosis. Depending upon the condition, the patient and/or their partner would be prescribed antiviral or antibacterial medicines. Viruses require lifelong treatment in order to control the outbreak; disappearance of physical symptoms does not mean that the body has rid of it.